Flutter Development

Flutter Development

Flutter is a Google-created open-source framework for creating natively built, cross-platform apps using a single set of source code.


For lightning-fast performance across all devices, Flutter code may be compiled to ARM or Intel machine code or to JavaScript.


Reach all of the screens.A single codebase for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices.

Workflow transformation

Automated testing, developer tools, and more help you create production-quality applications.

Dependable and trusted

Flutter is used by Google, trusted by global brands, and maintained by worldwide developers.


Dart, a language that is intended for quick programs on any platform, serves as the engine of Flutter.

Creating Apps for Multiple Platforms

If you're new to app development, you may be intimidated by how to construct an Android or iOS app. Why not create for iOS and Android? With Flutter, you get straightforward cross-platform mobile app development tools that save time and eliminate problems. One codebase for both platforms simplifies everything.

It's quick

Mobile app development requires speed. How Flutter helps developers: App updates reflect code changes promptly. Flutter calls this "hot reload" Flutter's rapid reload capability lets you develop UIs, add features, and correct errors fast.Hot reload updates running Dart Virtual Machine source code (VM). After the VM updates classes with new fields and methods, Flutter rebuilds the widget tree so you can see the changes.

Device support

It's a major concern for developers, especially as users receive updated operating systems. Flutter makes your app seem the same across earlier Android and iOS versions. It's important for numerous reasons.

  • Developers save time (and headaches).
  • It's cost-effective
  • Flutter's support for earlier operating systems is free

User experience excellence

Flutter app development uses widgets. Flutter's widget technology enables for a uniform object model and simple development process. Everything you touch in Flutter programming is a widget, which can be combined to form sophisticated layouts.Flutter app developers may reuse and tweak widgets to build beautiful UIs. Flutter's widgets are structured in trees, thus designing a big app requires planning.


One codebase is preferable than two. Shorter development cycles, fewer developers, and decreased complexity save money. You'll release Android and iOS applications quicker and with less money.


Google will support Flutter apps for years since the firm uses it. Google will keep fixing issues, releasing new versions, and contributing to technologies. Flutter app development is included in several Google initiatives, such as Google Fuchsia, proving its longevity.

Flutter 2

Flutter 2 transforms mobile app development into platform freedom. Flutter can now run Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, and macOS applications. The Flutter team is extending the technology to IoT and wearables, such as smart home appliances.

Exceptional source for creating MVPs

MVPs are essential for startups since they help verify ideas and get investment. MVPs are minimal, easy-to-build apps with key functionality. They test the idea and gather feedback to improve the next app version. Without an MVP, startups have a harder time getting investors and have to go into development blindly. Flutter app development is great for a most valuable player (MVP) because the SDK is complete, easy to learn, and makes great apps.

Why bTranz:


bTranz have built various applications to help clients succeed.We use the latest technologies and principles to create native and cross-platform mobile applications.

Flutter App Development

bTranz expertise create usable mobile applications. Our Flutter team masters current technologies to design high-quality solutions.

Architecture for Flutter-Based Solutions

High - level architectural team consists of professionals who ensure iOS and Android run correctly.

Flutter UI/UX

Our expertise will develop intuitive interfaces, efficient user processes, and best-matching aesthetic components for your users.

Security Flutter

Flutter engineers are highly experienced and have a strong grasp of Apple security rules.

Testing Flutter QA

Set up QA infrastructure or enhance Flutter solutions with our help. We'll make sure your Flutter app works.

App/Play Store Compatibility

Flutter consultation and support will guarantee store compliance for a smooth launch and optimization.

You Always Get the Best Guidance

We Code Build Solve Customize Enhance

Select theme colour

Stylesheet switching is done via JavaScript and can cause a blink while page loads. This will not happen in your production code.